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Renewal and Recovery Retreats for Women Veterans

Rooted Within retreats offer a way for female veterans to re-enter the civilian world with the personal and interpersonal skills needed for an engaged, resilient, and satisfying life. 

The retreats are an intensive immersion experience of community and supportive relationships, often a respite from the isolation that many women veterans experience.

Retreats take place at comfortable facilities in peaceful natural environments so that many activities and discussions can take place in the context and support of the natural world. 

The retreats allow women to connect with other women veterans and learn tools for dealing with post-traumatic stress and other issues that commonly affect them. The support of others on a similar journey, skilled facilitation, and a wide range of new experiences give each woman an opportunity to witness her strengths and capabilities, as well as, practice new ways of being with herself, others, and unfamiliar situations. This gentle stretching of one’s ‘comfort zone’ is an essential element of recovery from the isolation and avoidance that are frequently hallmarks of post-military experience.

Rooted Within retreats are grounded in current research and treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. While not all participants at a retreat may have a diagnosis of PTSD, tools for self-regulation are taught in such a way that they are applicable to managing the stress of everyday life.


There is a wide range of issues that can be explored during a retreat, but many common themes emerge, including trusting others, setting boundaries, giving and receiving support, staying present, staying true to one’s self in relationships, healthy communication, and finding one’s strength and competence.

The tone of Rooted Within retreats is one of friendliness, mutual respect, and a genuine valuing of the experience and perspective of each participant.


The program helps each woman strengthen areas of needed development by building on existing strengths, rather than focusing on areas of weakness. Facilitators encourage honest self-expression by being personally authentic and genuinely appreciative of each participant.

©2020 Rooted Within 

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